
Must-Have Salon Products for Those with Sensitive Skin


If you have sensitive skin you’ll know the challenge that comes with having to consider your skin’s sensitivity when trying new products. You may find that you have had to replace traditional hand sanitizers with organic hand sanitizers, and other swaps.

Even if you don’t have overly sensitive skin, there are so many chemicals loaded in traditional salon products that it is easy for your skin to become red, inflamed, and irritated. Let’s look at some of the must-have salon products for those with sensitive skin.

Organic Hand Sanitizer

Traditional hand sanitizers can dry out your skin and even cause allergic reactions (as many of us learnt during the pandemic), which is why an organic hand sanitizer is the first and most important item on this list.

Eco Wipes

Eco wipes work just as well as traditional colour wipes except they are far gentler on the skin, making them a fantastic choice for both hairdressers and clients alike. The smell is also less harsh, and much more pleasant.

organic hand sanitizer

Nitrile Gloves

Latex allergies are fairly common, with percentages in certain countries being as high as 10%. This is why it is far better to use nitrile gloves in your salon. Even if none of your staff members has the allergy, you never know when you’ll employ someone new who does have an allergy, or a client who comes into contact with a latex glove and experiences a reaction. Nitrile gloves are also comfortable and a great choice for those with sensitive skin types.

Furthermore, if you have sensitive skin it is very important that you wear gloves while doing hair as gloves act as a barrier between your skin and harsh chemicals used in hair products.


The fact of the matter is that after a day of working with hair colour, sanitising your hands between clients, and wearing gloves, your hands often end up dry and cracked, even if you are using the gentlest of products. This is why it is always a good idea to have a hydrating hand cream on hand to replenish the moisture that your hands may have lost throughout the day. Don’t be scared to spoil yourself with a manicure every so often.

Are you looking to purchase sustainable salon products in Australia? Look no further than Affordable Eco Solutions. On our comprehensive site, you’ll find items such as organic hand sanitizer, eco wipes, nitrile gloves and so much more. We’d love to be part of your journey toward sustainability – shop our wide range today.