Having skin issues is very natural and everyone has to face them once in a lifetime. If you are suffering from some serious skin problems then it is not wise enough to ignore them. Try to find out the best Skin Clinic Gold Coast and visit them as soon as possible. The dermatologist will help you to find out the root cause and will treat it immediately before it becomes worse. Many people have no idea what is the right time to visit a dermatologist so we have gathered some reasons why and when you should go to the doctor.
You have acne
Acne is a very common skin problem and all men and women suffer from it when they enter puberty age. At this time period, they are natural because your hormones are changing. If they are more severe and painful then do not ignore them and get the treatment. The dermatologist will give you medicine to eat and apply on the face.
Cold sores
If you face cold sores once or twice a year then it’s fine but if the breakouts happen every month, it is alarming. They are known as fever blisters or oral herpes that appear on the lips, mouth, and on the gums as well. They are smaller but painful that will show up near your mouth. They often go away on their own but if not, you should seek treatment.
Hair loss
In summer, many people complain that they start to lose their hair. Our hair naturally grows and replaces the old ones, that’s why it is normal to lose up to 150 hairs on a daily basis. However, if you are facing an excessive hair loss then it is fairly not normal and is a sign of that you need the doctor. You might be doing too much hair dying and hot styling tools, medications or you are facing stress issues.
Nail issues
Occasional nail brittle feeling is fine but if they are becoming thick then it is abnormal. When a nail separates from skin, it can be due to skin disease or an infection. Your doctor will help in determining the issue by giving you the best treatment possible.
Skin rash
Sometimes, red patches appear on the skin that is itchy, painful, and warm at the same time. It can be due to skin sensitivity but you must visit the Gold Coast Skin Clinic.